Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Group of kids with an RSS feed, trying to be better than myspace.

Recently a rival network ( against myspace ) has recently begun. Under the name of
Random Shapes, I suggest you view there website, It has a great design and a great goal. Although after reviewing, and reading, I find Random Shapes completely pointless. There really is no point to it, Its really nothing but a center column that links to other peoples blogs. And the point for it is ??? According to the creators its supposed to be better than myspace, much more exciting, as well as a rebellion against the common statistic? Pretty much the steps are as follows:
You send a request with your BLOGS URL.
They review it, if it is inactive, or just not good enough, your are then rejected.
I tried, not that I wanted to join because there is no point in the whole Random Shapes network, but I just wanted to check out there registering methods.
Overall a few teens created this site, trying to ccreate something better than myspace. Laugh Out Loud, random shapes doesnt stand a change, as well as the fact that its based on a pretty little design and some RSS and webstandard coding as well as some possible Java. They honestly dont stand a chance, first off Myspace is easy to sign up with, you dont need your own blog, and acceptance is 100% garunteed, yea thats right folks....you dont need to go cry to your mommy cause you didnt get accepts, INSTEAD go to myspace. Random Shapes isnt for the common teen, its for teens who are into having there own blogs as well as some sort of creative talent on the web.
Lets look at a chart shall we?
Myspace provides:
Acceptance is immediate,
There is no wait,
No need to have a blog, just an email.
There is:
You can add your friends and have a network of friends
You can add pictures, as well as comment on others as well.
You can post music, and also comment on others peoples profiles.
Add color, and such, and control your top 8.

Random Shapes:
None of the above,
Acceptance takes 7 days,
Un-updated blogs are rejected,
you must have your own blog.
the whole net work idea is not that fascinating
you cant specifically add people as friends...

All random shapes is a column with link to other peoples blogs.. THATS IT
Just so people will know, the only reason I compare them to myspace is because them themselves compare themselves to myspace. But honestly they have nothing on the 4TH LARGEST WEBSITE IN THE WORLD WIDE WEB.
Not to mention that there only registered members, are the people that created the whole site.
Great motive, bad method.
I give Random Shapes a 4 out of 10.

**Please note, this post is not as to offend anyone in any way shape or form, just to inform, any comments with insulting messages or threats shall be deleted**

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Beauty of it all

Well life has gotten much better, I got all my stuff back: Band, guitar previliges, webdesign and social life... all thanks to a B I got on one of my advance placement classes.
I hope not to fall again, cause that would really suck.
Well I just wanted to update the few people who actually take time to read my blog about my website progress.....
I finally got a name, and Ive decided to call my future portfolio site
Cloud Nine Media. I have gained 2 co-workers which are Bruno and Jerek very good freinds of mine. Jerek is quite experienced in Flash,Pearl,PHP, and Java. Bruno, is a complete noob, he knows some HTML here and there but nothing major. But he's willing to learn and plus he's a hard worker, hell probably work on our blog managing or site updates and mainly typography cause hes really good at writing articles and such. So I got everything set......so all I have to do now...is start designing.....which will hopefully be soon....lol I always get lost doing something else like being mezmorized by the philosiphies of the inequlaity protrayed through humanites self being as well as Aristotles theories......in other words...Im busy at band practice or doing school work. But my schedule is clearing up...so now its time to get to work.
Well I will be updating this thing way more now..
Until I post again...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My year

Well 2005 and 2004 have been the worst years of my so far lived life. Ive gotten brounded more than 5 times, my guitar and band prevililges have been suspended more than 2 times, and my freedom to webdesign has been suspended as well. Hopefully this year will turn out better for me, and for my parents as well. I stopped reading that CSS/HTML book a while ago, I felt very discouraged, I havent learned anything more than my recent knowledge(procastination). I realize I have so much to learn such as HTML XML CSS and DHTML, its just a whole bunch of stuff, when I look at the long road I have its like Im never going to get there, BUT I will move on. No that Im back in action and ready to turn my life around, from some issues that Im having and also a few other things that I wont note on this blog. Well as for my portfolio website, Im afraid I havent gotten anything done, I still need a name.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

Well unlike most fellows on the day of christmas eve, Im not really excited or looking forward to anything. Its as if there was no christmas for me, my parents said Im not getting presents due to our financial situation (which I have no problem with). Its being grounded on christmas day that makes it hard to enjoy anything. I was supposed to play a show with my band the 26th at a major house party, but since my BELOVED teacher gave me a D for something i didnt do I cant play guitar. I cant go to my youth group, due to the circumstance's that im grounded as well. Im a complete prisoner, cant do anything, just study and do school work. By nonetheless im still grateful for another year of life, many people didnt make it to see this year, and thankfully I so far have. My life is really bitter right now, but in good time Im sure everything will turn out okay. Anyways, merry christmas and a happy new year to all.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Make your bed, lie in it, bury your grave, die in it

Due to certain issues with parents and grades I will have to postpone my site till some time next year, I’m not sure yet. Its progression will be very lengthy, in other words do not bother to remember it, perhaps it might not even occur. Although this blog will still be here and be updated, although we still cannot begin our design portfolio. There will be plenty of posts and updates not to mention more articles.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

So far, so good

This week I went to the library to try to find some interesting books on the whole designing aspect(Photo Shop bibles, Flash books, CSS, etc...). As I walked up the stairs, to my immediate suprise the library upgraded all of its designer books, henceforth, I went completely ballistic when I saw all these utterly fantastic books. They had a very fair amount of Photo Shop CS2 books, which was amazing due to the fact that the latest they had was photoshop8. Not to mention a load of CSS/HTML/XML books, and webstandard guidline books. It seemed that these books were being placed in that library specifically for my needs. So I took out the following:
Photo Shop CS2 professional edition BIBLE
Spring into(edition) HTML and CSS

both are magnificent books.
Although Im learning more from the HTML and CSS book since its what Im trying to focus on, the Photo Shop book is great, Im learning things I didnt know were possible to accomplish.
So far so good, I already got to the third chapter of the HTML/CSS book.
well that a wrap for todays post.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Well recently I never thought much of CSS, I thought it was an option or perhaps a waist of my most precious time. Nevertheless I now have to come to it, and must learn its every detail. I thought I would be able to escape the knowledge of coding and just make websites in a most desctructive manner, with text flying everywere, in the most crimson forms known to the world wide web. So as I was working on my site, a sudden ray of light hit me and brought me to understanding of the necessity of this coding language. Before I begin my site, or any other site, I intend to learn CSS and HTML. I will therefore reschedule all site releases until I can atleast know something. My goal is to know as much as possible by January 2006, but it is not at a imparient manner, rathe I will make an attemp as if to take my time, as to not create much blasphemy towards websites in general. So here I go most long and grusome road of coding, but at the end Im sure I will benefit from it much self satisfaction.