Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

Well unlike most fellows on the day of christmas eve, Im not really excited or looking forward to anything. Its as if there was no christmas for me, my parents said Im not getting presents due to our financial situation (which I have no problem with). Its being grounded on christmas day that makes it hard to enjoy anything. I was supposed to play a show with my band the 26th at a major house party, but since my BELOVED teacher gave me a D for something i didnt do I cant play guitar. I cant go to my youth group, due to the circumstance's that im grounded as well. Im a complete prisoner, cant do anything, just study and do school work. By nonetheless im still grateful for another year of life, many people didnt make it to see this year, and thankfully I so far have. My life is really bitter right now, but in good time Im sure everything will turn out okay. Anyways, merry christmas and a happy new year to all.


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